MovieChat Forums > Free Willy (1993) Discussion > This movie is a ripoff of E.T.

This movie is a ripoff of E.T.

Troubled boy finds inhuman creature, and befriends it. The creature is captured or already captured by bad men. The boy then tries to get the creature back home, before the bad men can catch it. After a dangerous escape and chase, and the creature is about to be caught, it leads to the most memorable parts and shots of both films which involve the creature flying through the air, finally getting back home.


Uhh ya so? A lot of movies take their idea or plot from other movies...I am sure Free Willy and ET are not the only ones.




Uhh ya so?

Your point?


b/c an orca whale is really an alien from another planet. come orca is not inhuman, it's not a human but people see them all the time. e.t. is a completely diff. thing ENTIRELY!!!



No it isn't.


Yer he is! I much prefered Will to E.T coz as much as the film was great E.T actually scared me where as Free Willy made me a HUGE whale lover. Don't say thats not fare because you can't love Aliens coz HELLO! what about all them people out there who do love them. Free Willy will always be my fav family movie no matter what comes out.


p.s. it had two great sequels that were very well recieved!


Ok so this post is a little old but i'll reply anyway. Yes, Free Willy is similar to E.T., but i wouldn't go so far as to call it a ripoff. Elliot (the kid from E.T.) might of been troubled, but not nearly as troubled as Jesse. Besides, Willy and Jesse helped each other (if you remember, the whale had some behavior issues as well).



E.T., Aroura Encounter, Mac and Me, Harry and The Hendersons, Free Willy..

All E.T. knockoffs or spin-offs.

They all deal with having to free a creature in trouble, or saving a creature and sending it home. And the creature usualy makes friend with a boy or family.

Great plot, but it's been used too many times already.
