Free Willy was filmed on Mexico City, check.
I met Keiko more than once when I used to live in Mexico City, when I was maybe 2 years old, 3 years old, I dunno, but I remember I met him, he whale. It ws the coolest wahle ever.
And parts of the film where filmed in Mexico City, in an amusement park which is now one of the biggest in Latinamerica and the world, it was before Reino Aventura, and in 2000 became Six Flags, after a bankrupt. All the scenes of the training and the accident and the whale-show, where filmed in the interiors of Reino Aventura, now Six Flags. I still go to Six Flags, is one of the biggst amusement parks in city.
When, if you read this, like to come to Mexico City, go to Six Flags Mexico, and in the dolphin show there is the place where Free Willy was filmed.
Too bad for Keiko's death. It was the coolest whale ever. Lucky I met him.