MovieChat Forums > Fearless (1993) Discussion > has anyone ever felt what he felt?

has anyone ever felt what he felt?

As the subkect implies......can anyone relate to how Max felt after the crash? Just....losing yourself because your suppose to be dead but you still are some how floating on the plain of existence? pretty much the question is has anyone ever had a near death experience?


Although I don't actually remember how close I was to death, but I definitely recall similar feelings of invincibility after coming out of a coma. Purposely running stop signs and daring (read, incredibly stupid) things of that nature. This movie really hit me on that level.


I think a lot of people have experienced what max as felt under different circumstances. Max basically snaps when he thinks he is going to die, he is normally neurotic and afraid of flying, his emotion (fear in this case) spikes off the chart not coming back down, leaving him without that emotion and deeply changed.
A lot of people who suffer extreme traumas can often snap in this way , I think its a mental defense system to protect the mind from further trauma, however, as shown in the film it is very difficult to bring the emotion back online and return to normal behaviour.
But back to the original question, yes I have experienced what max felt in many ways though the circumstances are different. Thinking you died, the need to always tell the truth, need to help other people even when it is detremental to your own needs and a numbness in the broken emotion. Psychiatrists (the ones I`ve spoken to anyway..and 1 was very experienced) dont have any real method of dealing with this problem. But seeing the film helped me in understanding what I was going through.
