MovieChat Forums > Fearless (1993) Discussion > Spit on the dirt....

Spit on the dirt....

Just wondering what it meant when Max Klein (Jeff Bridges) sat next to the Lincoln and spit on the dirt then rubbed the wet dirt between his fingers? What was this a test of? Was he simply seeing if his spit would still cause a reaction on the sand? I am lost on this one. I am not easily stumped. Help me out somebody. Good day.

If we could all allow our MonkeyBone to take effect, we would be better off!!!!


its a metaphor for the healing of the jeff bridges character.jesus once healed a blind man by spitting on the ground and then rubbing the dirt on the man's eyes.Max was once blind to life but now can see.brillant film not stopped thinking about it ever since i first saw it....


I thank you for this response. I have been "blind" to the point of this action, pardon the pun. Yes, very brilliant film indeed. I would give it a ten if John Turturro's character would have been more active in this film. Being the Turturro fan that I am, I am upset over this. All in all I will give it a good rating, though. Very vivid scenes and life changes galore. Good day.

If we could all allow our MonkeyBone to take effect, we would be better off!!!!


Actually, Max (Jeff Bridges) did not spit on the dirt, he was crying and a tear feel on the dirt beside him. I think he pick up the wet dot of dirt and rubbed it between his fingers in wonderment that he was truly alive (the way dirt was the proof that he could still interact with the physical world around him). This movie was so heartwrenching it was hard to watch it over again (but I still do). The final, beautiful score can be found in its entirety on the cd "Gorecki: symphony #13.

"Non carborundum illegimati" - "Don't let the bastards get you down".


You're wrong, it was spit. You can see his mouth getting ready to spit, then you see saliva from the spit dangling down after the shot cuts to the ground. I just rewatched that scene in slow motion on my dvd, and it is definitely spit. He was looking at the ground and knew he was going to spit. Please watch that part again and pay attention to his mouth and the saliva running down.

There is no night as deep as this
Inevitable mind's abyss,
Where I now dwell with foes alone


I have a weird theory about all this. The spitting on the earth, the way he touches the hands of people on the plane and only those people live, the wound (like a spear wound...) in his side - his only injury from the crash. Think about it - this guy is like a mini second coming, he IS Jesus or at least he is taken over by Jesus temporarily. Sounds crazy but watch it again...


were studying Fearless in school....our class agrees with our teacher that the spitting is related to how God apparently made Adam. God spat in dirt and made a ball of dirt to make Adam. Eve was made by using one of Adams ribs.

im not Christian so im not sure if these are true...but they sound correct and relate to the heavy themes of spirituality throughout Fearless.



Yes, it was spit. You can tell more from just how it looks after it's on the ground. There's foam in it, which there would not be if it were a tear. In JillMaria's defense, it isn't quite as obvious at regular speed that he's spitting. In fact, I thought after I first saw it that it was a tear.

"The value of an idea has nothing to do with the honesty of the man expressing it."--Oscar Wilde


The paralells everyone is drawing about Max and Jesus are interesting, and I'm not disagreeing about all of them, but the scene of him with the dirt, to me, were about his senses opening up and him freely experiencing all of the little things in life in the same manner we do when we were children. He didn't just do it with the dirt. He did it in the car, rolling down the window and holding his face out to feel the wind. He did it while washing his face, joyfully experiencing the simple feeling of splashing water on his skin. Also, the strawberries, the way he ate them, reveling in the taste. He did this with little things all through the movie. I think he was just re-discovering life.



I agree with Jillmaria's explaantion minus the tear. It was definitely spit and I just think that he wanted to really feel something as SIMPLE as dirt!! He was still alive(all his risk taking is about feeling alive and obviously becoming fearless---even though he was human like all of us and full of fear) and this was evidence...


and just one more little thing: the shot of his car after he rolled down the window and holded his face out, anyone noticed that there is a path in the left of the road? and not straight at all

could it be a symbol of his previous life and the straight road the life after the crash?

and while his spitting in the dirt let's remember that he is with his sunglasses, almost like a blind person...


Man, I never once thought that this post would take off like it has!!! :) I loved Fearless because it makes you vulnerable, and unable to pull away until the end. Still, what was this spitting in the dirt? Random act of mucal release? LOL I am not sure. But, thanks for the many responses, and they are all great. Good day

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