"Naked and alone the soul stands before God; friends are gone, work, plans, pleasures, troubles, all fall off, and seem to vanish into nothing; and God and the soul stand face to face." - Frederick Charles Woodhouse, "The Life of the Soul in the World"
No idea if this was the source, but it is similar.
[Edit: The actual quote in the movie is "The soul comes to the end of its long journey and, naked and alone, draws near to the divine." It's in a caption for Bosch's The Ascent Into the Empyrian (http://www.art.com/asp/sp-asp/_/PD--12440435/SP--A/IGID--1346650/The_A scent_of_the_Blessed_Detail_from_a_Panel_of_an_Alterpiece_Thought_to_b e_of_the_Last_Judgement.htm?sOrig=CRT&sOrigId=68&ui=3A8D9A2AAA DC47688426C700CA1480D9).]
-- TopFrog