Beautiful, grande!

Hey guys,

How are you ?

I watched the movie last night and thought it was beautiful.

Ok some characters like the shrink (J.Turturro) and the lawyer (T.Hulce) are a "little" too much of a carricature but it didn't bother me because they are not the main subjects.

The movie is very touching and deep with beautiful feelings IMO. If you're mature enough to enjoy it then you will be touched for sure. The relationship between Max and his wife after the crash becomes difficult and shows how a woman can be "jealous on purpose" when it's not the attitude she should have while Max has his part in the problem since he doesn't communicate with her enough. This was realistic indeed.

Great direction by Peter Weir, beautiful music by Maurice Jarre, great acting by Anabella, Rosy and... Jeff, you're a beast.. So deep with your expressions, amazing..

I'm 33 and I can enjoy this movie because it's full of honest and deep feelings, humanity and generosity, what is pretty rare nowadays.

Great movie IMO.

Have a nice day.

*Lord of Movies*
