MovieChat Forums > Fearless (1993) Discussion > Question About the Ending

Question About the Ending

I have a question about the ending of Fearless. After Jeff Bridges' character eats the strawberry and begins to die, we see him rise up from the internal wreckage of the plane crash. He walks through a fog in the interior of the plane with other passengers. Some of these passengers (i.e., the boy) were alive and well throughout the entire movie. Does this mean that none of these characters survived the plan crash to begin with? Was Jeff Bridges' character really dead throughout the entire movie? I'm confused...



no i think it was just showing he was about to die, as he walking out of the plane, and i just seen few minutes ago and the last scene of him walking out of the plane it is just him i believe? so some flashback scenes are him with kid and other survivors? and then last scene is just him leaving earth? but yes he was alive! and finaly apreciated life at the end! but ya that scene was a little confusing? but no he was a live , and finaly relized he wanted to be alive at end


I think it was to verify his comment to Rosie Perez that they had lived through death, and were still alive. And yep, there he was, doing it again with the strawberry! Definite fallacious Superman complex disproved!


Yes, as saybow said, he was in that tunnel vision by himself in the last tunnel sequence. Here is the ending again - advance to 05:30.

He could have chosen to go to sleep if he wanted to get away from his wife bad enough. But she wasn't that bad, so he chose to go toward her voice instead and allowed her to save him.

(Seriously, if someone in that situation had a painful relationship with a spouse, they very well could have chosen to go to sleep instead).

Having her save him would be a real way to snap someone out of that kind of ptsd enough to include their spouse in their life. This didn't stray into the usual hollywood bs.

What i believe was most unreal though was (besides jumping around on a windy ledge with coat covering his head - reminding us that we aren't fearless) why didn't the strawberries affect him the same way in the few times he tried them after the crash? I dont think you can overcome a serious physical allergy like that with mind control.


Just watched it for the first time. As I see it, he told his wife he needed her to save him, and that's exactly what she did. That was the only way he could "come back". I wish they hadn't made it so obvious, because everything else was very interpretive. Still, very enjoyable and enlightening.

If we all liked the same movie, there'd only be one movie!
