MovieChat Forums > Fearless (1993) Discussion > A great film without an appealing main c...

A great film without an appealing main character

This is a wrenching, powerful film and the fact that it is able to overcome an unsympathetic character played by Bridges is a measure of how good it is.

The flashback scenes to the plane crash itself are great. What made these scenes so complete was the soundtrack and the muted sound effects of what was taking place. Best memory sequence of any film I've seen.

What threatened this film's greatness, was Bridges' character, who takes on a smugness and imperiousness toward the world around him after he has survived, that at times you almost wish the crash had claimed his life as well. He believes that having survived a crash gives him the right to act above others. He sees himself as a Christ-like figure and acts like life on Earth is no longer worthy of him. In the final frame of all this changes, to the film's credit.

At the same time, one can only wonder what the film would have been like if he had continued to put himself at risk and paid the ultimate price.



I'm not surprised that the ending made you cry. Made me cry as well.

The flashbacks were very well done.


A lot of the film is about how surviving the crash changed Bridges' character's personality, it made it hard for him to relate to others (there are multiple scenes where he and Carla talk about how "normal" people seem completely alien to them).

Also you see from his wife and son, as well as others, that he was a decent guy before the crash and had people who cared about him. (In other words I think judging him in the state he's in, which you seem to be doing, is very wrong-headed).
