MovieChat Forums > Fearless (1993) Discussion > Pray for Bubble Rodrigo

Pray for Bubble Rodrigo

I would like to say a prayer for Bubble. I know that sounds a little over the top. This being a film and all most would say that is an outrageous thing to do. I don't care. God bless the child. God bless all the children whose lives are lost in plane crashes or any other accidental deaths. I am a mommy. This movie moved me to tears from beginning to end. For the love of Bubble I cried a million tears.

If we could all allow our MonkeyBone to take effect, we would be better off!!!!



They already came. We had cake, and ice cream while watching this film. Then, and only then, they understood the reasoning behind my tears. The overwhelming sorrow that filled Rosies' eyes in this film, well, they seemed all too real. I may seem cooky, and a bit off beat. But, watch again from a parental p.o.v., then post another reply.

[monkey2] If we could all allow our MonkeyBone to take effect, we would be better off!!!!


how strange?!? Why say a prayer for a fictional character on a film discussion board?!? Surely there are more suitable forums, like maybe ... or or

All of MY prayers are going out to Bubble Boy, and, of course, his dad, Mr. Bubble.


Those nasty comments are completely uncalled for. Get over your own self.


I must belatedly align myself with Texrat. How pathetic to mock someone for having genuine sympathetic feelings. I recall the scene and Rosie Perez's performance as heart-twisting and painful. Some people like to pretend that they are unreachable until something happens in their own self-absorbed lives.


I'll say a prayer for Bubble too.


People who feel genuine sympathy generally do so quietly, and don't announce it to the world like that. I feel like there was some ego behind their original post, and have no sympathy for them being trolled.


People express themselves all different kinds of ways - some spill their guts, others are quiet. Lack of sympathy is just lack of sympathy.

...........Hate is the essence of weakness in the human mind...........


Net5519, my heart broke for Bubble too, and poor Carla. Gut wrenching, espeically if you're a Mum :(
