I can't believe she got nominated for an Oscar for this film. I thought she was the worst thing about it. Just a blubbering mess of a performance and her character came across as same-old same-old, we've seen that sort of character before.
I'm not objective, because I generally dislike Perez, in general. But, that said, I agree. She's so badly miscast. Maria Conchita Alonzo...if it needed to be a Latina character. Or anyone else...she sticks out like a sore thumb in almost every movie she is in. She and Rossellini in the same film is almost like an inside joke from the casting dept...
You know: fish, chips, cup 'o tea, bad food, worse weather, Mary fu*king Poppins... LONDON.
I was astonished, as well, that she'd been nominated for an oscar. I didn't think there was a damn thing special about what she brought to the role; it wasn't like Carla was a character of any profound depth or complexity. She was just a loud mouth low life who'd been through a traumatic, life-changing disaster, and she tried to blame everyone else for the death of her son in order to hide the fact that she felt responsible, herself, for having let go of him. If I had to pick one word to sum up the character & her performance, it'd be obnoxious. Everytime she became inconsolable & started babbling & ranting too fast to understand, I kept hoping someone was going to give her one of those classic face-slaps back to reality. I can't stand people who talk & talk but never listen, especially if they have a very shrill voice...the kind of people who apparently believe that the louder they speak, the more correct they are. They never shut up long enough to hear what someone else has to say, even if it will possibly benefit them, and if other people attempt to speak they just yell faster & louder. I felt no pity for her character even though she had just lost her very young son; in fact I found myself heartlessly wishing she'd died as well, so Max would have had to buddy-up to someone else in order to explore his newfound state of "unkillable" limbo. Also, every time she said "Bubbles," it made me think of Michael Jackson's chimpanzee!! LOL
I know she was supposed to be "fragile," but when she went into that super-annoying freak-out mode (if I'd been in the car with her, I think I would have driven us headlong into a cinder block wall, too, just to get some peace) and Max went for the toolbox, I thought, "oh good, he's going to clock her with a pipe wrench!" There are a lot of unlikable characters in movies, lots of bad guys and despicable characters you're not supposed to like, but when one of the main characters, who you're clearly meant to feel something for is SO annoying you feel like bailing out on the movie, somethin' aint right.
I thought she was amazing. She was the only character (outside of Bridges's partner's wife)who wore any raw emotion that an accident like that could evoke. Rosie's character had to be that extreme to juxtipose the emptiness and deadness in Bridge's character. That's why the psychologist brings them together, because of their extreme polarized responses. Rosie's character evolves during the healing process and she turns a leaf when she visits Bridges in the hospital, probably one of the best scenes in the movie. Actually, I became a fan of her's from this movie.