MovieChat Forums > Fearless (1993) Discussion > did anyone else notice this?

did anyone else notice this?

I havent seen this film in a few years, so maybe i'm wrong here, but at the beginning when Bridges is in the hotel and he is looking at the gash on his side, he looks at the mirror and says, "you aren't dead".

At the very end, when he is saved from the strawberry allergy, he claims "i'm alive".

Maybe I'm over interpreting but I think the point is that throughout the film Bridges is in some in between state, not dead but not really alive either. That is why he can eat the strawberries and not get sick. Also, when he is with Perez and he keeps insisting that they are "ghosts" in that mall.


Yeah, also Bridges calls them ghosts threw out the movie, mentoining that they aren't really alive because there not living and having been so close to death.



You need to learn some ENGLISH grammar and improve your spelling.

"Yeah, also Bridges calls them ghosts threw out (THROUGHOUT)the movie, mentoining (MENTIONING) that they aren't really alive because there (THEY'RE) not living and having been so close to death."

It should read:

Yes! Bridges also calls them "ghosts" throughout the movie, mentioning that they aren't really alive because they have come so close to death."


My spelling sucks, whats it to you?

You understood me and everything so I don't see the reason to bitch about it. Also, I'm from Iceland. Find someone who has English as a first launguange and tell him to improve his spelling. Because these message boards are filled with bad grammer and some of them are made by Americans who are learning English in school.

Also, prehaps you didin't notice but people are talking about stuff that happened in the movie "Fearless". No need to change the subject because one or two people spell something wrong.




Keep cool, Iceman.
Not being a native english speaker myself, I appreciated Tinmars' comment. He may have penned it a bit sarcastically, but the "translation" gave me a chance to understand your post... which, eventually, is all to your benefit.


Hey Tinmars,

My post should read...

"Stick it up yer arse, you anal bitch"

Corrections are always welcome



No one likes the internet grammar police even if you mean well. You're not very nice. Rather judgmental if you ask me.



Since when hasn't correcting someone's grammar been obnoxious of annoying to you for its purely patronizing aspect?

Consider this a correction of your bad manners.


If you are going to be critical of the grammar and spelling of others at least be constructively critical. Perhaps pointing out that both Firefox and Google Chrome have spelling and translation add-ons that work pretty well, would make you sound a little less like an ass. After all, we know diplomacy is not your strong suit.



y iz u al bin so negativ bout da spelin on dis page?


Quisiera saber cuantos idiomas hablas y escribes tu BOLSA!


Rafael Yglesias' novel (of which this movie is based) provides the best interpretation. Of coure you are entitled to your own interpretation as you see fit. In the novel, we learn that Max can eat strawberries because of some medical prognosis that basically says that sometimes after a near-death experience a person can literally awaken receptors that previously were dormant. Such receptors include allergic reactions.

Strictly speaking, I believe that was just put in the novel just so people wouldn't complain about whether or not it could happen. I think the symbolism of the film is much more intriguing and forces the conception of being "fearless" because they (Max and Carla) have already survived death.



I just saw the movie again a few hours ago, (caught it on HBO) and I would have to say thanks for enlightening me Muske! I also wondered about the gash, and I actually didn't notice the Church scene, but that piece of info is very helpful.

I also want to get the book.




But he's not really fearless and he is still allergic to strawberries though!


Maybe I'm over interpreting but I think the point is that throughout the film Bridges is in some in between state, not dead but not really alive either. That is why he can eat the strawberries and not get sick. Also, when he is with Perez and he keeps insisting that they are "ghosts" in that mall.

We are meant to notice that - as well as rosie's strong disagreement with his assesment. He did pose it as a question though, for her to ponder, rather than making a conclusion.

Its obviously just in his mind. It likely would have been a prophesy for a real character, if he had danced like that on a windy ledge with his coat tails over his head and blocking sight of his feet. That would easily have made for a real dumb movie - "Another fearless one bites the dust" - a shortened life, which is a realistic fate for the fearless.

The strawberries deserve more explanation though because i never heard of overcoming a serious allergy like that with mind control alone.


The strawberries deserve more explanation though because i never heard of overcoming a serious allergy like that with mind control alone.
Unless, possibly, the food allergy was psychosomatic to begin with. Which is not to say that psychosomatic illnesses/afflictions are not real; they can be VERY real, and life-threatening as well. It's amazing that in this day & age, where we understand SO much about the human body, and with the high level of scientific and medical knowledge & discovery, that we still underestimate the power of the mind. In fact we almost completely ignore it, at least in the West. In the East and in societies that have been around a lot longer than America, they have a much deeper grasp & understanding of the power of the human mind, which is often accredited to something spiritual or even supernatural.
That would easily have made for a real dumb movie - "Another fearless one bites the dust" - a shortened life, which is a realistic fate for the fearless
That reminded me of the sad story about "DJ AM" (Adam Goldstein), who survived a horrible plane crash in 2008 along with Blink 182 drummer Travis Barker, but sadly yet ironically died of a drug overdose less than a year later. The crash had killed 4 other people, and they had both been burned badly, and DJ AM, like Travis, had gone through multiple surgeries for skin grafts & suffered terribly from post traumatic stress disorder.

After surviving the plane crash DJ AM told People Magazine, "I can’t believe I made it. I’ve prayed every night for the past 10 years. There’s a lot more to thank God for now...I was saved for a reason. Maybe I’m going to help someone else." And then he accidentally (?) offs himself. Very sad.

I can't understand your crazy moon language.


Even if the meaning is roughly equivalent, philosophically there's a world of difference between statements like "you're not dead" and "I'm alive," isn't there?


I've always interpreted this movie that these characters weren't alive before the crash -- they were stuck in the same rut we all are, making compromises, telling lies to ourselves and others just to get along, etc. "Life" and "Death" in this movie are transposed. After the crash, that's all gone, and Max is really alive and interacting with nature for the first time (the scene where he's driving with his head hanging out the window, for example).

But ultimately, if you're surrounded by "dead" people who would rather not experience life, or truth, they're going to wear you down. So Max decides to give up his newfound awareness. He chooses to eat the strawberry and symbolically rejoin the others. I find it a profoundly sad ending.


So Max decides to give up his newfound awareness. He chooses to eat the strawberry and symbolically rejoin the others. I find it a profoundly sad ending.

At last, someone who is not happy with the ending !!
I, too, found it sad but mostly weird.
And the scene at the hospital when she gives up selflessly the happiness and friendship
she has with him, in order for him to go back to his wife and son... Sad too.
I would have made him go back to his family for a while and then realised that this is not life at all and explained to his wife that he was prepared to behave towards them as she expected as long as he could have Carla in his life and go on living his life to the full.
