Beth's Rapist/Julie's Biological Father (**spoilers**)
Was anyone else surprised when it was revealed who Beth's attacker and the father of Julie was? I remember being surprised by it. I could tell from the dark flashbacks of the rape that the attacker had light hair, which excluded Tim and Matt (not to mention Tim's later revelation to Julie that he was unable to father children due to a bout of mumps when he was thirteen). They really tried to make you think it was Del (but I guess that would have been too obvious, too "worse case scenario" since his father died of a stroke). I think I may have to try to get the book on which the movie was based. Of course, Jake was dead by the time the story began so we don't really get to find out what led up to him committing the rape (to think Beth was around him for all those years, and he knew what he had done to her). I felt bad for Sue as well when she found out from Beth and Julie that it was Jake.
Makes you wonder what became of Matt, since they never did find him.
Patty Duke and Melissa Gilbert were great in this movie, and I really thought the flashback sequences were good, although the younger actors didn't really look like the older actors they were portraying.
Thoughts, opinions?