is it just me or should sci fi channel make a live action mini series for this show?
shareis it just me or should sci fi channel make a live action mini series for this show?
Sci-Fi Channel would do something so ho-hum, low budget, and quickly strung together that it would be guarenteed to fail.
shareIt really reminds me of the reimagined Battlestar Galactica; A fleet of humans who've just escaped from the massacre and enslavement of their homeworlds by their former slave creations Neosapiens/Cylons. I don't think that we'll ever see Sci-fi doing anything with ExoSquad.
What would be really cool, would be if the BSG fleet eventually reached Earth, only to find out that the humans in Earth's solar system are, themselves fighting against their own creations, the biological Neosapiens; A neat parallel that wherever you go people will make the same mistakes of creating and enslaving intelligent beings. Just a thought.
It'd be a great idea if the SciFi channel put out new ExoSquad content... although it would either have to be live action or animation along the lines of "Beowulf" to reach the appropriate target audience. They did such a great job with BSG, if they had those people work on ExoSquad, the results would be phenomenal...
They could test the waters by just airing the original episodes, then maybe a movie / mini-series event, and new series to follow if all is well!
A live action miniseries or live action film series would be all kinds of awesome. The hardest part is... who do you cast?
shareProbably too many big names here, but why not? (forgive some spellings)
Anthony Hopkins as Simbacca
Tom Sizemore as Bronsky
Christian Bale as JT
Liam Neeson as Admiral Winfield
Mac from the Mac/PC commercials as Kaz (minus the mullet...)
In another thread someone recommended Michael Bein for a character... he could do Sean...
I was actually thinking Liam Neeson for Jonas Simbacca, partly because of his size, and because he's good at playing charismatic leaders, and Harrison Ford for Admiral Winfield.
Bale as JT's an interesting choice. I was thinking someone just a little older, like a Hugh Jackman, an Eric Bana, Gerard Butler, maybe James Caviezel, but I doubt any of these men would be seriously approached.
When Michael Biehn was younger he would have been my top choice for Alec DeLeon, though I suppose he could have done a good Sean Napier. Not sure they'd pick him now.
Ron Perlman for Marsala perhaps?
I'm having a hard time thinking of actresses for Nara, Maggie & Rita. I suppose Nara would be easiest to cast, but Maggie & Rita seem trickier.
Ron Perlman as Marsala would probably be your best bet for the feasibility of casting choices. :P