Even now when I hear the intro it does not sound dated. It has still conveys the sense of urgencey and desperation evey bit as much as when I heard it. Why did they can the series when they clearly had story line for another season? Oh the torture of what might have been.
I totally agree. I actually met the guy that did the musical score for this show. The show had great music. I really miss this show. I can't believe it got cancelled. Sadly enough, kids today probably wouldn't gravitate towards this show or their parents probably wouldn't let them watch it. I love listening to the score in my car when I drive around in winter time with the snow on the ground. I am talking more about the slower, more emotional sounding parts of the score.
Maybe after all of the red tape is cleared up, Hollywood can make a movie of this show. After all, all they do now is make remakes of things. This is one remake I'd like to see on the big screen.
Not sure how old you are, but if you grew up watching this show, be thankful you were a kid back then. I don't think they have quality cartoons on TV now for kids. I myself am proud to be an 80's and 90's kid.
Kind of sad there aren't more recent posts on this forum.
The only thing that was dated were the hair styles :-) The woman with the big hair and all the guys with the exaggerated high and tight but I kind of find that charming.
I remember one scene where Typhonus messed up one too many times and this is the first time you see Phaeton replace someone with their clone. The scene was over the top. Typhonus sitting on the bridge, big music, and then his clone poors out fo the tube. Btw I watched this as a young adult, the story line was pretty mature/sophisticated, it kept my attention.
I've always equated their hair styles to simply be that of the future, but I understand what you mean.
The show is still interesting as an adult. I bought the DVDs of the whole show and watched every episode about a year ago. It was still entertaining today as it was back then. Shows like this, Batman The Animated Series, and a few others really seemed more like adult cartoons more than kiddy cartoons. In the first episode of Exo Squad, there's actually an holagraph of a girl dancing somewhat erotically. That wouldn't be allowed nowadays.