MovieChat Forums > Dennis the Menace (1993) Discussion > switchblade sam..too scary? what do you ...

switchblade sam..too scary? what do you reckon

this guy gave me nightmares as a kid..he was made too scary..they shouldve toned him down...what do you guys think?...i mean i couldnt sleep for awhile because of him..yeah he was very well played by christopher lloyd i give you that


The only part that scared me as a kid was when he nearly killed Dennis but other than that I didn't find him that creepy I mean all he does really is rob people and people's houses. And yes he was wonderfully played by christopher Lloyd.


I remember thinking he was hilarious. That whole part where he holds Dennis hostage by the brother and I would laugh until we cried.


I think they shouldn't have used him. The movie could've just been Dennis having adventures with Mr. Wilson and they get to like each other. Maybe Hughes felt he needed to put this guy in due to Home Alone being such a success with two burglars being outsmarted by a kid.


he gave me nightmares too


Yeah the scene when he was about STAB Dennis to death was a bit out of context for the film ever see Child Catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang now that is a NIGHTMARE


no that was like the Harry and Marv wanting to shoot Kevin in the face.

