MovieChat Forums > Dennis the Menace (1993) Discussion > Christopher lloyd is hilarious in this m...

Christopher lloyd is hilarious in this movie

Each time i watch this movie i laughed of switchblade sam every time is on screen.Why he stole a doll? We dont know.
But anyway i cant stop to laugh because of him do you laugh of this movie like me?
This is one of the best perfomance of christopher lloyd with back to the future
this is what i think do you think the same?


What nobody know switchblade sam?
This is a very hilarious guy in this movie look at him.
When he stole the doll im laughing.
But he know to do a criminal.
One of the best memorable character of Christopher lloyd.
Christopher lloyd fans please give me thought about this.


for some reason i found it hilarious when he steps on the flower... i dont know why


Christopher lloyd really inpress me with this role.
He very hilarious.His teeths,his hair,his clothes,his voice,his walk,his music all this is very hilarious.Please give me your opinion about switchblade sam?
The best role of christopher lloyd career in my opinion.


I thought it was funny when he took GUnther's apple and ate it. Poor Gunther sitting there all blank-like. You are right, Christopher Lloyd is funny. I also loved him in Back to the FUture and Who Framed Roger Rabbit.


Finally at last someone recognised the talent of Christopher lloyd in this role.I like Switchblade Sam he is the best after all.With the apple this is funny.


Yea this is a memorable character for christopher lloyd i especially laugh wheneever i hear his switchblade "theme" music hahahaha funny sh**t


His music HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that true very funny


There's a BIG plot hole in the film. Margaret is missing her doll, and later, when Dennis comes up missing and the neighborhood is searching for him, Margaret's beloved doll can be seen again. Careless filmmaking? No, not exactly...

In the John Hughes script (strangely he's credited as "John Limerick" on the title page), Switchblade Sam steals the doll.

Later, Joey, Dennis, and Margaret find him living in their treehouse. He says he found the doll and offers it back to Margaret as a sign of friendship. That's when Dennis mentions the gold coins of Mr. Wilsons and it slips about the use of Mr. Wilson's address as the lock combination. It's a creepy scene, as Switchblade Sam knows exactly how to manipulate the children into learning their secrets.

Thus, Switchblade Sam surreptitiously follows Dennis back to Mr. Wilson's house and then searches for the safe while the lawn party is in full bloom (did it ever seem strange that SS knew EXACTLY what he was looking for?)

They must have cut the sequence for pacing or time, but it was valuable to the story. Too bad the didn't include it in the DVD's deleted scenes.

"Martha, where are all the G.D. garden lanterns?" --Mr. Wilson


yup Christopher was really funny in this...but i think one of his rembered roles would have to be Doc in Back to the Future.

George McFly: Lou. Give me a milk...
George McFly: Chocolate.



Long live to switchblade sam.
He deserve all the movie for him.
But this is a vilain.
Christopher is very funny to look in this role.



My favorite part is definitely when he takes poor Gunther's apple. He's like "Whatcha eatin' there kid?" and Gunther says in that funny little voice "a apple," and SS stabs it with his knife and starts eating it and Gunther is all dumbfounded! Priceless!

"I am a circus freak...I just never joined the circus."


I believe it is, "Whatcha eatin' there sport, hm?" - best damn quote in movie history.



Is this a beginning of a fansite for switchblade sam or what?
Is that the case this is very cool i like it.Because i am a switchblade sam fan too.Is this a link or your site?


Tiki, that makes a lot of sense. I always wondered why Dennis didn't discover that he was a thief by finding Margaret's doll in the sack. Thought he might have kept it if he heard her say it was an antique. The deleted scene explains a lot about why things went down like they did.


He was great as this character- almost too good-he played being disgusting so well I could hardly look at him (like when he was all covered with those beans UGH!!!)

It won't give up, it wants me dead-God damn this noise inside my head...


speaking of the best Chris Lloyds roles
do'nt forget Taxi reverend Jim funny as hell


Switchblade sam has always been my favorite character in this movie and he still is but watching the movie again recently I realized he is not really important to the movie know what I mean? Because the movie is suppoosed to be about the relationship between mr. wilson and dennis and there was only a few scenes in the movie with dennis and mr. wilson bonding and alot of that is due to switchblade sam and the bridge scenes could have been replaced with more screen time between dennis and mr. wilson but john hughes (who I really like btw) just couldn't get over the success of the home alone movies and just had to put a villain in dennis the menace. oh well I still like switchblade Sam he made the movie more entertaining I just wish there would have been more scenes with dennis and mr. wilson.


Did anyone think of Doc Brown in the alternate, evil 1985 in Back to the Future part II (the timeline where Biff gets rich and corrupt and owns the casino) with Switchblade Sam? They couldn't possibly be any more different, but that does show how good of an actor CL is.
