MovieChat Forums > Dennis the Menace (1993) Discussion > Best musical theme for a kid movie villa...

Best musical theme for a kid movie villain?

This one is up there. Christopher Lloyd's character's appearance was followed by those big, and im guessing here, trombone blasts? Whatever the instrument I always loved it, and it was followed by those two little light recharges and he would spin or make a facial expression to the tune of it. I loved it. It is very comparable to Captain Hook's in Hook, but maybe not as good. Any other villain musical themes from live action kid movies? I know Darth Vader might be mentioned, but I'm not sure if that qualifies as "live action kid movie"...just curious if anyone else felt the same or could name a few others.


Not a kid's movie, but Deebo from the first Friday movie had a cool theme that played every time he showed up. The Music kinda resembled the Jaws theme music a little. In the second "Friday movie titled "Next Friday" they just dropped the theme which was lame.


I love it too! Here some that come to mind:

Wicked Witch's Theme in Wizard of Oz
Harry and Marv's theme in Home Alone
The Joker in Batman (1989)
Keys in ET
Slugworth in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory


Awesome! Thanks broncho...i really appreciate the effort!

the peej abides.


This theme got stuck in my head today. Trying to find it online, but having no luck.

This came out when I was a teenager so it was a little bit of a kiddie movie, but I remember a lot of people liking it and mentioning Switchblade Sam's music.
