MovieChat Forums > Dennis the Menace (1993) Discussion > Why didn't Mr. Wilson, ya know, FILM the...

Why didn't Mr. Wilson, ya know, FILM the plant flower blooming?

First of all, how would they know the exact moment (or even the exact day, week or month for that matter) the plant would actually bloom? lol.

Being such an important and once in a lifetime thing, you'd think George & Martha would think to film it or at least have someone else at the party document it. VHS camcorders were very common by the early 90s, so even if the Wilsons weren't really hip on (at the time) modern technology, it was commonplace enough that someone should've definitely had one. Or at the very least, they could've taken pictures.

This was 1993, not 1963 lol.


I think the story isn't supposed to take place in the present day, so filming didn't exist then. As to how he would know when it would bloom, Mr. Wilson knew gardening and calculated when it would bloom.


Still though, to get "40 years" narrowed down to a single day and a single hour is pretty damn lucky timing for George, lol! That really stretches believability, and you'd think a local TV news station would've done a piece and filmed it (just like the photographer took George's picture earlier).

True the movie does have a very 1950s kinda atmosphere, probably for a sense of familiarity to the fans who grew up with the original cartoon strip... but (even if there aren't many current late 80s/early 90s pop culture references) we know it's in fact 1993 because of the cars on the road, and technology. Mr. Wilson even had an electric garage door opener (the one Dennis accidentally opens and knocks over the table with the cake, lol) and the copy machines at Alice's office.

I wonder if the movie would've worked better if they set it in the legit 50s though.


Film works great as it is


I think the story isn't supposed to take place in the present day, so filming didn't exist then.
Are you serious?

Film came along in the 1890s and people certainly made home movies in the 1950s, when the original series aired, they just filmed them on celluloid, not video.
