Questions [Spoilers]
who tampered with Helen Slater's brakes?
who planted the bomb in Squiggy's car and why (nobody knew he knew what he knew except Harvey Korman)?
Harvey Korman wasn't evil?
did Billy Zane die and was it the scalpel in the back or because he immediately and awkwardly fell onto his back to make sure the scalpel penetrated as much as possible?
although, the biggest question is WHAT WAS THE PLAN?
at first, it seemed as though Alan Thicke wanted to kill Helen Slater so he wouldn't have to share the profits from his medical tech company, but then Kelly Lebrock kills him because he was soft? what's the point of still needing to kill Helen Slater, if she inherits his share would they kill the daughter, too? or was Lebrock planning on adopting her?