I havent seen the movie but why is it rated R?

The Apple Scruffs Corps, 04
*ibetyoucantguesswh atiminfor*
~John Lennon


Well there are a LOT of 'F' words. Ther eis also a lot of nudity in it. Most notably is the fact that the first place that the early Beatles get a gig at is a part also a place for strippers to perform (ful lfrontal nudity is shown alot during those scenes). Also shown is the after effects of being a 'rock star', a bunch of girls sleep with each band memebr whist they are all in the same room. There is more then that, violence is pretty low, just a minor scuffle at the start, but thats it. Just to let you know, I think it's a great film, and well worth watching.
