The Baby's Powers

I've watched this movie twice. I know that the main narrative in the movie is a play. But within the story of the play, it's never stated why the baby did have divine powers. He made the women fertile and the crops bloom and he commanded the bull to kill the Bishops son (Ralph Fiennes). Did I miss something? Was anything every mentioned as to why he had these powers? Was the old man really his father? Or did the old mother conceive through divine intervention?



I thought it was because he "The Baby" was supposedly a virgin birth thus rendering him Christ like.


No see what happened was that Julia Ormond's character (who was indeed a virgin) was not the baby's mother. She's his sister. The Baby was born to her character's elderly, obese, pestilence ridden mother. But what is never made clear is how the baby was conceived. All the women of the town were barren so how did the old mother conceive? It never really says if her husband conceived the child or if it was done through divine intervention. It had to have been divine intervention I guess since the baby had divine powers. That must be it. But if that's how it happened, it's never said why she (the old mother) was chosen as the vessel for the Christ baby. Well... I guess nothing is ever really said about how Mary was chosen to be the virgin vessel for Christ so... I guess I'm fixating about silly little details LOL...

