MovieChat Forums > Another Stakeout (1993) Discussion > Dreyfuss acts totally different in this ...

Dreyfuss acts totally different in this than 1st movie...

Dreyfuss did'nt study the first movie before he did this, cause Chris Leece is totally different in character than the first movie. I'm not talking just by appearance. Its his mannerisms and personality.....He was funny in the first movie, but very forced in this movie.


I noticed this aswell haha


Well, in this film Chris is older, wiser and is not chasing one of the hottest female on this planet. Plus is THIS film he is paired with Rosie O.

Need I say more?


less coffee.



The whole film has an obvious less serious tone about it. The first film may have had a lot of comedy in it, but it was underscored by some rather standout dramatic moments. The serious final dramatic act of 'Stakeout' is very shocking to me. I know how it all ends, but whenever I see the original, it still keeps me on the edge of my seat. This sequel basically amps the comedy up and then throws in the final showdown which is not quite as powerful.


Yeah, the comedy is more at the forefront here, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


Dreyfuss has said he had a lot of difficulty in making this film; I suspect his frustration with the production probably influenced his performance. In all honesty, I wouldn't be surprised if he did it just to work with Emilio again; they seem to get along really well.


It was more slap stick


