Jack Black

airborne use to be on tv a lot and i always watched it. i having fruit loops for breakfast and thinking of that hilarious line in the movie. who would have thought that, that guy who said the "fruitloops" line would be the one and only Jack Black :)


lol Jack Black is AWESOME in this movie. Hahah...it's definitely a great character for him. I love it where it's his turn to give an intro speech, and he's like "I like Nintendo..."




did anyone ever notice Jack Black is also in Biodome with KD in the background singing a song about trees?


Yeah I remember watching Jack Black in this movie, and having him slide down a hill and pinching himself on a tree trunk. And I thought, at that moment, "This man will be in King Kong."


The fruitloops line is good, but his best line was when he was cheesing out and hysterically laughing and yells "bologna" when Mitchell pulls down Blane's pants and his bare ass is showing. My best friend I have have randomly used that line for a dozen years now, the same way he yells it, and others' reactions to it is always priceless.


this was the first movie that turned me on to the genius of jack black, he's simply too hilarious for words in this movie

Yesterday I woke up sucking on lemons.



I watched this movie the other day and didn't realize that Jack Black was in it. It's been forever since I seen this movie and was like OMG it's Jack Black before he became a big comedian.


Mitchell: "Chill, brah."
Auggie: "Did he just call you a piece of underwear?"

Haha yeah, then later on in the flim:

Mitchell: "We were just chatting, chill brah.
Auggie: "That's it, he said, he did it again I'm gonna kill em'!"


Auggie: "My name is Jose Agusto Raphael De La Para. Everybody just calls me Auggie though. Lets see, I really like to sleep and I like Nintendo."




