I am not qualified to judge this movie at face value because
I’m not qualified to judge this movie at face value because I was totally dazzled and engrossed with all the familiar sights.
One of my Facebook friends postings, yesterday about the old flat-iron building in Mt. Auburn, motivated me to look up the movie that was shot in Cincinnati in 1992 and ’93, called Airborne.
I have a Roku1 plugged into the back of my TV, and I used it to rent Airborne (1993) from Amazon Instant Video. So, last night, our whole family watched Airborne in the family room for the first time. I was totally eating up this movie. I could recognize almost every location scene and I had difficulty following the story because I was totally eating up the familiar location shots. Watching Airborne was like celebrating my dating years from 1991-1994. The night time scenes on the Covington Landing barge, old Newport restaurants near Pompilio’s, and the Western Hills and Prospect Hill scenes, along with shots around Longworth Hall, near UPS. I loved the shots in Mt Auburn, Mt Adams, Eden Park, and the Flower Conservatory.
I was dazzled with the familiar sights and my kids enjoyed seeing me get excited about it. The redheaded teenage cousin, Wiley, reminded me of house hunting for my first home in Covedale and Westwood in 1994 – walking through beautiful charming old small homes that had at least one bedroom totally “tricked-out,” in decorum, by a young teenage sloth. My first house on Veazey, Ave, between Ferguson and Boudinot, was just a couple blocks away from Western Hills High.
Watching this movie is like celebrating my courtship years in downtown Cincinnati, Covington, and Newport. I’m not qualified to judge this movie at face value because I was totally dazzled and engrossed with all the familiar sights and places that I have grown to love these last 30 years.
The film critics were wrong when they said there is no real Devil’s Backbone. There is a Devils’ Backbone that runs off of Ebenezer Rd., on the West Side, near Rapid Run. Devils’ Backbone is close to the large house that Pete Rose used to live in and the road does have some challenging grades and turns. I’m thankful to one of my Facebook friends, from my Mt. Auburn years, for helping me discover Airborne for the first time.