I have seen this movie time and time again everytime I catch it on TV I will sit there and watch the entire thing from start to finish. I don't know what it was about the movie, I just love to watch it. A few days ago I was sitting around and thinking I wish Airborne was on TV so I could watch it right now cause I hadn't seen it in a while. Well, 3 days later it was on my college's Movie Channel. I turned the tv on just in time to catch the opening of the movie and tuned my roommates into it and I was so happy. I love this movie.
I know exactly what you mean! I hate myself for loving this movie: I know it's crap, I know it's contrived, formulaic, stupid, overdone, etc. ad nauseum, but I JUST F***ING LOVE IT! Mitchell Goosen is my hero and Jack Black truly will never be that good again.
i know exactly what both of you mean!! I have watched this movie hundreds of time and never ever get tired of it. He can really shred the backbone. I do not believe i will ever stop watching "mahurushi" (dont think i spelled that right) tear up the streets of cleveland. and i have a 1.1 GPA.......too funny. Peace Out!
While this is a great movie the only part of the movie that doesn't make sense is when the leader of the prep tries to knock Mitchell out of the race at the end. Reason being said is because they only need one more racer to come in for the preps to win. So even if Mitchell skated in with last prep they would have still lost. Dumb move on the prep guy part.
I thought this movie was one of the best movies ever filmed in the early 90's. Reason for this is because I feel it's about learning to deal with change. Change is all around us, and even when you feel like your life is out of control, there are still things around you in your environment that you can utilize to adjust whatever strange bounces life throws your way. Plus, I absolutely loved the rollerblading scenes. The story was great, the characters real and believable, the locations chosen all of it was a real masterpiece. Personally, I would really enjoy an Airborne sequel, which I feel would re-enhance rollerblading and outdoor activites. My only regret for this film is that since I love to rollerblade, I wish there were more rollerblading scenes in the movie. I give this movie a 9 out of a possible 10.
Okay, look, I loved this movie too. It truly is one of my guilty little pleasures. But let's be realistic about things. Masterpiece is a word reserved for a small handful of pictures, and if you want to talk about early 90s masterpieces than you can mention things like, oh I don't know, Schindler's List, Pulp Fiction, or Malcolm X. But to call this (obviously) cheesy Saturday afternoon movie, hell -it really is an after-school special - a masterpiece is like calling The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen a tour-de-force. I don't mean to be rude, and I understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but let's be realistic. (Although I do truly believe that everything that Jack Black does from here on out will pale in comparison to his portrayl of Augie...) So before you go placing medals around the necks of medicority, let's maybe think a little, huh people...
I'm more inclined to agree with Wideshut on this film. I love this film, yet can recognize that it is not a cinema masterpiece. That's fine though. I love McDonalds too, but I don't go there for filet mignon or sushi. I know what I am getting into. The same way in how I know what I'm getting into when I pop this tape in. Some great cheesy 90s humor, a decent story, and AWESOME roller blading scenes. Some of the stuff that I like about this film is:
1. Shane McDermott's role as Mitchell: I loved his attitude on life and wish I could be as laid back as him. I liked his fashion sense too. You can't find cardigans like that anywhere. The only thing I could have done without were some of his one-liners about surfing and stuff like that. 2. I thought Brittney Powell's role as the sweet Nicki was great. She just had this natural beauty aura about her in this film. But I'll admit that she did look better posing nude in Playboy years later. 3. Jack Black was hilarious in this film. A lot better than his wannabe-Chris Farley crap he does now. 4. The soundtrack is pretty good too. Wish I could get a copy of some of those tunes. 5. You can't go without the awesome rollerblading, especially the half-pipe. Even in the green house was cool too.
Some notable bad things about this film, but kind of made it funny were . . . 1. Owen Stadele's (the guy who played Blane) acting. I swear when he yells to Jack about Nicki "why don't you let her make up her own mind, Jack" he sounds like a four year refusing to eat his dinner. And his temper tantrum is great in the restaraunt when he throws the chair like a child throwing a toy. My lord, I see one other "acting" credit for this bozo and I can see why. 2. Chris Conrad as Jack was as much of a caveman role as I've ever seen. 3. Seth Green's outfits he tries on for his date that would get him shot for wearing in certain areas of the country.
All in all, great film in the bubblegum category simply because you watch it for nostalgia, its cheesiness, but most of all because its fun.
"I swear when he yells to Jack about Nicki "why don't you let her make up her own mind, Jack" he sounds like a four year [old] refusing to eat his dinner"
Dude, that has to be the funniest thing I've read on here in quite awhile! Glad to find like minded people about Airborne. It's just one of those movies that I'll put down whatever I'm doing and watch if it happens to be on. You can say it's got a special place in my heart, heh. I agree there could have been more inline action, but the race at the end more than makes up for it. It was also neat to see most of the film actually filmed in Cincinnati (as opposed to just in Cali pretending it was Cincinnati).
The scene where Mitchell jumps off the parking garage and skates down the construction truck's flatbed has to be one of the coolest things ever. And to think... no one else saw it except for one or two construction workers!
I know what you all mean. The first time I saw it I loved it. Even though people say it's crap, for the 90s it was pretty good. It's not fair to compare it with the movies today.
This movie is in all actuality, pretty cheesed. Do I watch it whenever it is on TV? Without a doubt. Early 90's nostalgia kick, early Seth Green, early Jack Black, and I think the ONLY movie ever to feature Cincinati as an extreame sports mecca. The only other movie that could compare in cheese and guilty pleasure appeal would be Empire Records.