MovieChat Forums > Addams Family Values (1993) Discussion > One of the greatest speeches in movie hi...

One of the greatest speeches in movie history?

Wednesday's thanksgiving speech. Up there with the great speeches in movies?


"What are you, some kind of doomsday machine, boy?"


Totally. This was Ricci's movie. One of the most well-cast characters in the cinema of the time. She was absolutely perfect as Wednesday, and nobody else could have come close. I like the Fester/Debbie plot, though I wish there had been more Gomez/Morticia stuff. But the reason I watch and enjoy this movie these days, is the Wednesday/Camp Chippewa subplot.

The casting in both films was so incredibly good. I love some of Raul Julia's monologue too.

"They say a man who represents himself has a fool for a client....well with GOD as my witness.....I AM THAT FOOL!!!



Yes this is my favorite Addams movie, I love the first one too, but part 2 had the best lines. I agree about Christina Ricci she played the part of Wednesday really well I can't picture no one else doing that part.




Ditto. She stole the show..


Definitely, I also loved Debbie's speech at the end. With the slide show.


Wednesday's Thanksgiving speech = Gomez's epic rant at the police station = Debbie's final psychotic soliloquy. All brilliant, all fantastic.



Yes, bps -- all 3 are fun to memorize and say along with


It was a speech that was delivered so deadpan and spot on by Ricci, that what she said appears irrefutable, and then she ends it all with a threat..."And for all these reasons I have decided to scalp you and burn your village to the ground." Clever and fun dialogue, wicked dark humor and amusing subplots in this terrific sequel.

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.


Wednesday's thanksgiving speech. Up there with the great speeches in movies?

Nope. Wednesday Addams going all PC-SJW was a big mistake.


The way she said it was so hardcore!


What irritates me is that so many people take this scene as reason to consider it a Thanksgiving movie, even though it's at summer camp


Wish there had been more of this kind of thing and less of the over-the-top physical stuff.
