My sons and I watched this movie and (on video tape) had to rewind(several times!) the part where he is killed in the car accident and wakes up instantly and realizes what happened...that was just too funny! I can't decide if I like this one or Groundhog Day or Christmas Everyday...I love them all...Imagine getting a chance to fix mistakes and help others....:)
One part that always makes me smile is near the end when Barry pretty much goes postal on the security guards.
He threatens to come back tomorrow and make sure they're fired (and don't think I can't make it happen; I'm in Personnel!) - he lists all the things that have vexed him throughout his ordeal, ending with the most trivial of all things: "..and Jack still gets hit with the coffee!"
Others in this thread have covered my other favorite bits except: the way Barry activates the shocking disk then hands it back to Howard and when he's kissing Lisa and the cop yells "Don't move!" You could hear the glee with which he answered back, "Yes, sir!" Also, "I'll call you back, Mom, the day is repeating."
The trippiest line: "These are the guys who've been killing you."
My favorite part is how Robert Denk (the guy working undercover) is killed and Barry Thomas decides to not restart time to save him, additionally Barry gets shot in the arm and doesn't just let time restart so he doesn't have to survive with a debilitating wound for the rest of his life.
As I'm the one who added the Quotes here, my favorite lines are obviously present - but I agree with all of you! A very fun and clever movie that could not have cost a fortune to make: all of the best art is achieved with characters' faces rather than with CGI. - Fiona
I was wondering about this during the movie as well. Barry had all the time in the world to get it right so that everything worked out for the best in the end. He got lazy and sloppy.
I agree it's too bad they didn't prevent Robert Denk's murder, but I think we're supposed to conclude that Barry and Lisa are desperate to stop the time loop so they can be together/grow old together, like Barry said earlier in the movie... it's already pretty sad that Lisa won't remember her first time falling in love/getting lucky with Barry, right? ;) So I guess they both wanted to remember their experiences and conversations and falling in love-type-stuff this time around.
Also, am I remembering wrong or wasn't there something on the TV news reports Barry watched every morning, where some science expert warned about the danger of a time loop and how if we were trapped in one, it would get progressively worse and harder to get out eventually impossible to stop it and the universe would implode or something? :P I should watch again and get the exact quote. :P But there seemed to be a sense of urgency to stop the time loop before it was "too late"...
If we could actually power a particle faster than the speed of light, the energy released would be catastrophic. Time and space would be shattered. We'd be punched backwards in time and then move forward until the accelerator is fired again, and we'll punch back again in an endless loop, like a skipping record. This circular time bounce would become our prison, and we'd be prisoners without memory in a cell without a key.