First of all, that Screech did not make Dustin a good actor, even if he portrayed well or not.
Secondly, I keep on repeating this that the original class is most likely too difficult for both Dustin and his Screech role to be included in a hurry.
Thirdly, The New Class is not that difficult for both Dustin and his Screech role to get invited. He acted good in the new class and he portrayed Screech realistically in it along the way positively, even if he irritates Belding or not, in the meantime. He irritates a few times with the New Class, which is not as a worse as both the original members and Belding. But what made it worse is that they appraised the Screech character too strong along the way, beginning in the fourth season. Then in the last two seasons (sixth and seventh), the strong appraisal on Screech may have been overdone.
Kaydie-fee, you mentioned "Dustin or his parents may have been broke back in 1989", what do you mean by that?