Payment: Teri Hatcher vs. Dean Cain

According to, Teri Hatcher was paid $75,000.00 per episode, while Dean Cain was paid $60,000.00 per episode in "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman" .

Dean Cain portrayed Superman, and it was his new advertures that we viewers watched, right? So why did Teri get paid more money than Dean?


I think it was because she was more known than dean.


She was also the first billed in the title. The show was often promoted with the word "feminism" mixed in and I think it was more about the relationship than Superman himself. Put that all together and it sort of makes sense, I think.


probably just got better contract than Dean Cain. its not new that some characters get better pay than the main character.


I'm not surprised. This show was very centered on Lois Lane.

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.


She had a relationship with someone who worked for Warner Brothers - Jon Peters. In 1993, he was working with WB on putting together a new Superman movie. His history with Teri dates back to 1989 when he cast her in Tango & Cash. Suspiciously, 1989 was the same year when Teri divorced her husband - Marcus Leithold.


There is a Seinfeld episode about this very thing.

Well, not exactly.
