Best line in the entire series

In the episode "Tempus Fugitive" after Lois has been nagging Clark about lying to her about his secret, Clark told her how frustrating it was to see her fawning over Superman while ignoring him. Lois said "What's the difference, you ARE Superman".

Clark told her "Lois, Superman is what I can do, Clark is who I am". The best description of Clark and Superman ever.

I spend my money on dope, sex and cheap thrills.
The rest of it, I waste.


Wonderful scene!


I loved that line. I still use to to defend that Clark is the person who he really is, not Superman.

"Is it a bird?"
"Is it a plane?"
"No, it's just a guy wearing some tights and a cape."


Also, anyone else notice how much inneuendo there is in this show? I never notcied that when I was little lol.


Yes, in L&C, Superman is the disquise while Clark is the real person. According to all Superman legend, he grew up on a rural farm as Clark Kent.

I spend my money on dope, sex and cheap thrills.
The rest of it, I waste.

