Steve Young

I was surprised to see Steve Young on the show


Teri was a 49ers cheerleader before Lois and Clark.


Which Ep and season was he in, just watched them all, must of missed him.

I've DYSELIXA, GET USE 2 MY SPELLING I'm a reviewer i have my points of view


Steve Young was in It's a Small World After All near the end of season 3.

(knock,knock,knock) Penny (knock,knock,knock) Penny (knock,knock,knock) Penny


Phil Mickelson also appeared on the show in the middle of season 1 early in his pro golf career. This was before he became really famous. He was in a scene where he was teaching Clark to drive a golf ball.

(knock,knock,knock) Penny (knock,knock,knock) Penny (knock,knock,knock) Penny
