How bad was clone Lois really?

I didn't watch this in the 90's, as when it first ran I was in college and just starting a family, so I didn't have the time.

I got into it a month or so ago when it ran on HUB and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I've since seen all of season 1 and I'm nearing the end of season 2 and my question stems from what I've read about season 3.

I've heard the frog eating clone Lois storyline was really awful. Should I skip over those episodes and maybe come back to them, or are they really not all that bad and I should watch them? I'm afraid of losing interest, and I'm really enjoying the show, so I don't want a few bad episodes to turn me off the rest of the series.

So, knowing what you know about those episodes, should I skip them?


~In the end the love you take is equal to the love you make~


Warning, the following contains some spoilers, but you probably already know them anyway.

The clone episodes aren't completely awful, just the idea of frog eating clones is silly and far-fetched. The whole flavor of the series changes from the first two seasons going into the third. That is the season Clark's secret is revealed to Lois, oops spoiler alert. But it still has some very good elements in how they now relate to each other with Lois knowing her partner is really Superman in disguise. I wouldn't skip any episodes because they all build on one another. There is a whole series of roadblocks that get in the way of L&C ultimately getting married, (another spoiler), with the frog eating clone being just the first of the roadblocks. They almost over-do the teasing on this, but it is a fun ride.


Thanks. :)

I know what's going to happen, so you didn't spoil anything. After looking at the ratings here on IMDB for those episodes, they actually don't look as bad as I've heard those episodes are. So I think I will give them a shot.

~In the end the love you take is equal to the love you make~


The whole flavor of the series changes from the first two seasons going into the third.

You didn't just say that did you??? Cute!

To the other poster - don't skip any episodes. Make up your own mind. They're worth watching!


I saw the 2 part today for the first time since it was first on the network.
I think it was a great movie.

See some stars here


Don't know if you've seen it yet, but here goes.

While the plot is... out there, it's similar to what they did for Jurassic Park with the frog DNA thing. The clones themselves are rather grating on the nerves, but with as young as they are, this isn't really a surprise. Clone Lois, for example, is initially shallow, petulant and a complete flake, but gets enough character development to become decently sympathetic in her own right. She eventually gives her already short life to save Clark (who she found "boring" at first, but then developed a crush on him) and Lois from a monumentally unstable Luthor.
