lois marrying lex WHY?

When i watch season 1. Near the end Lois is for Lex so much so she marrys him yet there isnt much love between them. Just feelings. He says he loves her in the time we thoxught it was the perfum talking but no and he didnt and Lois she love Clark she even did on thhe wedding day.
Its like it was a rush and to kill Lex off (sort of) I never understood end of season 1 with the whole lex and lois thing. To me its her wanting to b happy but unhappy. Him happy n hurting the ppl she knows.

Get use to my spelling I've dyslexia. Deal with it.


You maybe right as to an excuse to kill Lex off. But it could be that, Lex sees it as a power struggle, and Lois Lane is just one more conquest he could win against Clark. It could also be that as Lois explains in 'Madame Ex' she never really loved Lex but was dazzled by his power. Lex may have noticed an obvious connection between Superman a Los and used this as way of establishing his superiority over Superman. In the idea of writing it might just help to move the relationship along between Los and Clark though he doesn't manage to ask her out till season 2. Lex was a major stumbling block to the relationship between Lois and Clark. There is still another option maybe he really did love her even when he retuned (The Phoenix) he still wanted her...and to kill Superman. For my own part I believe it was just an excuse to get rid of Lex and bring in more of the villains from the comics. In the comics themselves though Lex is the root of all evil in Metropolis he was untouchable at one point he even became president of the USA!


The actor John Shea lives in NY and he did not like the grueling commute to CA for the show so he eventually left the show for this reason. He agreed to come back for some episodes in the following seasons. Otherwise, if the actor did not want out, they would not have killed off Lex.

As for Lois marrying Lex, he hatched the elaborate plan to alienate and isolate Lois from her friends and her work. As you will see in the episodes, Lois felt rejected and alone when Superman told her he did not have feelings for her, she finally accepted Lex's proposal. His plan worked.

Whatchoo Lookin' At??


Thanks for that info! John Shea did a great Lex!


imo lex was boring and didnt bring much to the show. Hes the mastermind behind all the expirements but i just didnt think he was much of a threat. Im not a huge lex fan because hes not much of a physical threat. Hes more of a mental villian and thats not my type of villain
