wonder if this was already...slim chance but spoilers here
typed about yrs ago, but do know there were plans for a 5th season and that what came on to replace was gone before you can remember what it was, but ideas where the baby came from.
Personally, think HG Wells brought the baby from some different dimension where the parents had been killed and the baby was also thought to be killed, could expand on and might write, yup pen to paper as horrid at editing but can creative write, more to it that would expand on Lois and Clark with a bit and keep it as a story that is not so go go go and bleeds it leads and leaves you with using some of your own brains.
All else seems to think they can control what we think as more with all the reality crap being shoved and so much being shown and in constant motion, and they they have the nerve to say humans have less attention spans than a gold fish...pet peeve reality crap and other shows that leave you with no thought or nothing left to our own imagination...wonder why there is nothing new being created...
Also think they would have had Lois and Clark be able to have a baby that would have been about a 1 yr younger than their first, the one we saw at then end, with the last epi doing a last 10 min of say a 10 yr fast forward and...
Ok, I admit, can be sentimental 41yr old that likes to have some things wrapped nice, esp when it comes to campy fun and well better than some out today as yes we all have diff tastes, I only know of 2 who were ehh after I told them to watch as most do/did enjoy this.
(I dont incld reality crap as reality crap is not what tv is to me, i never watch, an if has to be out, put it on its own channel like sports have or movies have or even...just not on where i and all I talk to an know dont have to see it, truthfully, I have only ever met 1 person as I talk to many in lines and such who watch and like a couple of the reality crap shows but the rest, like me, think its only those making $$$ putting out them crap telling all that they like as too cheep to have good quality shows or even campy ones that allow people to have independent thought, ok ranting done)
Live life to be alive...and may your day be well or find one thing that gives you that little extra, even just a 😄