was anyone else irritated in this second season episode? since when did al capone pronounce the e in his last name??? he didn't and it is not pronounced.
Reading the paper can really be depressing. Mr. Dithers fired Dagwood again.
You would think that, with this guy being SO FAMOUS, that after all these years since his death, that if that was how his name was supposed to be said, EVERYONE would be saying that by now.
No one else does!
Even if that is the correct way. No one watching a Superman show would recognize it as being correct, and it was just irritating to the audience. We all would have preferred hearing it the more popular way, even if it was wrong.
Leave the revelations of correct pronunciations to news broadcasts, and documentary shows. Not some random show, that wasn't only about Al Capone, or the Untouchables.
Leave the revelations of correct pronunciations to news broadcasts, and documentary shows. Not some random show, that wasn't only about Al Capone, or the Untouchables
I do but sometimes they don't even get it right... okay so this is from the Beverly hills 90210 unauthorized movie but there is a scene of one of them watching a news broadcast and the access Hollywood type chick said 'in other holeywood news'
[some parents don't even pronounce their child's name the way their child wants it said] [who the heck is deb-or-uh?? OH, DEBRA!!!!!]
Reading the paper can really be depressing. Mr. Dithers fired Dagwood again. reply share
I understand what you mean, but I am from Chicago and many people (Italians) would pronounce his name that way and it would make sense he would say his own name the right way.
the interesting thing, is that metropolis is supposed to be some made up city. often times in this show they made it look like it was Chicago. [how else could clark drive to his parents house?]
Many italians can't even say the name of their own country/motherland properly. it is not Itly!
Reading the paper can really be depressing. Mr. Dithers fired Dagwood again.