Should not have got married?

The show went downhill once Lois and Clark got together, got married. Season One of the show was at it's best, original producer Deborah Joy LeVine did not want them to get together until like the fifth season but when she left it took a different direction, they got together way too soon, took the mystery out of their relationship.


They knew all along in the series when Lois and Clark were going to get married as it was meant to be at the same time as the comic series (day of the episode release the comic went on sale). While I do agree that seasons one and two were better I'm glad they eventually got married as it added an interesting dynamic; one of my fave episodes is sex, lies and video types as its incredibly amusing! Series four totally bombed though!!


DC planned to have them get married back in 92 but postponed it because the Lois & Clark people didn't want them doing it before they did only at the same, instead we got The Death Of Superman storyline.

Season 4 suffered for one they had them get married too soon because it would cause problems later on, as with many TV couples they have on & off relationships to keep the show going and once they got together the show was gonna take a turn for the worst. Think people enjoyed the sexual tension between them and the gag of Lois loves Superman but resents Clark, once they let her in on his identity and got married it was gone.


This going pretty far back but I recall that Teri wanted to do other projects and wanted to leave.


There's nothing about that any where.

As it saids on the trivia section the ratings took a nosedive so they canceled.


She wanted the big screen.

First out was "Tomorrow Never Dies" - a Bond film,.


There's no where that said she wanted out you idiot.

Actors have done TV and film at the same time.


Well, since you're being so pleasant:



GLYNIS has been QUITE PLEASANT in other areas where he disagrees with you or wants to see proof.

really classy.

Reading the paper can really be depressing. Mr. Dithers fired Dagwood again.


During the fourth season, ABC had announced a fifth season of the show; its producers and writers were unprepared when ABC later decided that no new episodes would be produced. The series had weakened in its Sunday 8:00 pm timeslot and had been shifted to 7:00 pm in January, and was moved to Saturdays in the spring. The ratings dropped even further, and the show finished its last season at 104th place. It was removed from the schedule in May 1997. ABC made up for its commitment to Warner Bros. by ordering thirteen episodes of a Debra Messing drama called Prey. In November 2013 fans named Teri Hatcher and Dean Cain as the best Lois and Clark combination ever covering both TV and Superman films.


In the end, lazy TV analysts, or those who don't care to do their homework, will blame the demise of Lois and Clark The New Adventures of Superman on the marriage.
It's certainly much simpler than tracing the true history of the series, its ratings, competition and long-standing interference from the network. Who would believe, after all, that the true beginning of the downfall occurred by not having a wedding?


OMG, I HATE Brad Kern. He RUINED Charmed IMO after Constance Burge left. I did not know he was also involved in ruining Superman.

Whatchoo Lookin' At??


Season 1 was when L&C was at it's best, people crumbled once Lois found out Clark is Superman and they got married it went downhill.
