Does superman really have better story?
Here we had one superman movie and one supergirl movie aired on televison during early 90s in China, then the superman tv series between late 90s and early 00s but our network only picked 2 seasons and I didn't know there were more because it pretty much looked like series finale where Lois was seemingly certain that Clark was the superman and they kissed in the final scene.
When internet came along in China, I found out that there were 2 more seasons revolving around the story after Lois knows superman secret and I watched one episode, couldn't finish. The first 2 seasons are great, only Clark's foster parents know what's going on and keeps everybody else in the dark. So I don't get what's point of supergirl tv series letting almost every character on the show know her supernatural identity, it's like no big deal out of whole mankind knowing who supergirl is. Along the superman tv series, there are some very well-written emotional drama between Clark and Lois. Looks like that the only drama on supergirl series are Kara telling her boss how she should run the story on supergirl then failing at most of the times, and the lame love triangle maybe?
To me the supergirl series is just plainly bad, not unwatchable but it doesn't live up to its superman series