
I just got the complete series, on sales. And as I'm on a 90s series binge, and really liked the Smallville series (which I own, as well). I've decided to give this show a shot.
I finished watching the pilot epi, it's cute. Very cheesy, and the special effects are atrocious, but it's cute and entertaining. However, I don't like Lois. I didn't like Teri hatcher on DH, either, around season 3 or so. But her Lois Lane is so obnoxious and snob. And not in a cute way. So much that I don't understand how such a sweet guy like Clark, would be interested in her. Does she somehow improves, explaining them ending up together, or do they simply pair each other, because it's the way the comics were written? I know Erica Durance's portrayal was unsympathetic at first, too. But Smallville's Clark Kent was kind of annoying, so it didn't bother me. But here, I fear this might be a deal breaker for me, enjoying the whole experience...


I am with you. I wanted to get into DH because teri was in it and I wanted to see her versatility. I liked her okay but could not get into the show.

Dean Cain's clark [who is my favorite clark by a country mile] was portrayed as country raised but also raised to think for himself and be safe. like, I don't see him needing 'have you seen me?' posters because he got himself lost in manhattan. he had a certain amount of street smarts.

lois lane in this... I feel the need to point out that she was written as a 'rosie the riveter' type of woman who wouldn't take any shi7 from anyone. lois isn't really supposed to be likable. that is just her. but she calms down as the show goes on as she realizes how often guys literally back away from her when she goes all psycho on them.

I don't know how many times she has had her life literally threatened, either by personal bombs, being thrown out of windows and planes and the like. she pissed off a lot of people and it wasn't until clark came along and they began working closely that she realized how much of a lonely bitch she was. she was a bitch because she was lonely and she was lonely because she was a bitch.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


Teri Hatcher was (and is) awesome.

I liked this show's take on Clark too -- not a bumbling fool like in the movies, but a cool, nice guy.
