Comedy is (attempted) Murder
Is Attempted Murder even a punishable offence anymore?
Tim Conway's bumbling idiot character 'Tim Conrad' attempted murder three times over the course of the episode:
1. He tried to poison his old comedy partner, Harvey Huckaby, failed out of sheer dumb luck and almost killed himself.
2.He then tried to rig the pool to shut on Harvey; but as he didn't know anything about wiring he failed. However Susan Huckaby was killed instead: Tim arrives back at the scene of the crime and assumes he's succeeded in killing Harvey and shows no remorse. Upon learning that Susan (his own ex wife) was the one who was killed, he still shows no remorse even though at this point he believes he is actually responsible.
When he tries to seek help from Mark, he actually admits to the murder, and appeals to Mark to assist him in leaving the country. Now Tim has confessed to a murder, which at this point Mark has no evidence to refute, and even has the notion that Jesse earlier (correctly) suggested that the original poisoning may have been an attempt on Harvey's life, not a suicide attempt by Tim. So Mark has much more reason to believe at this point that Tim is a murder, than evidence to the contrary. Yet he chooses to not report him to police and allows him to escape: Mark is now an accessory.
3. After Mark has allowed Tim to escape, he doesn't try to flee the country, or even work with Mark to maintain his innocence: He tries to kill again. He kidnaps Harvey in front of Steve —a police officer!— who doesn't even attempt to give chase, though to be fair his view of the getaway is obstructed, still, he doesn't even look around. They eventually catch Tim in Harvey's mansion, just as he is about to bludgeon Harvey with a glass block. Steve has to physically restrain him for doing so.
So a police officer, just stopped an attempted murder (at the very least a serious assault) in progress from an assailant they know to have committed at least one —probably two— other attempts on the same victim's life in roughly a 48 hour window. So Tim Conrad tried to kill Harvey Huckaby three times in two days, and only failed because of, 1. dumb luck, 2. his own stupidity, and 3. intervention from an officer of the law, and yet he walks free.
Even though the murder of Susan Huckaby was actually committed by Candy Zarkin, it still remains that Tim Conrad is guilty of at least one count of attempted murder, kidnapping, and another count of attempted battery, witnessed by an officer of the law and he still walks free; why? Because he's funny? Because he's famous? Because Conrad and Huckaby reached a begrudging reconciliation? Speaking of which, neither seem at all distressed by the malicious death of Susan, their ex wife & wife respectively...
This just seems completely out of character for everyone involved. I don't recall either Steve or Mark ever ignoring serious crimes for literally no good reason, even when it was 'one of their own'. If anyone from the police knew about Steve's wilful ignorance he would likely be disciplined. I just don't get it.