Steve Sloan and his woman of the week
I recently started catching this show on MeTV, and I confess I don't always get to watch every day. However, it seems like about every second episode or so Steve is involved with (or attracted to) a different woman. In one episode he was (conveniently) dating a woman who was a nutritionist; she was purposely not a size 2, so it was a purposeful point that Steve liked her and intended to keep dating her. Then, in the next episode, there was no mention of that woman, and Steve seemed to be attracted to someone else. And that woman told Steve that she thought he and his LAPD partner Cheryl were attracted to each other. Now I'm watching another episode, about three episodes down the line, in which Steve has a love/hate, will-they/won't-they attitude with a troublesome reporter.
Man, this guy is fickle!!
This episode, Dance of Death, deals with a pseudo-religious cult called Eathonomy, which seems to be an obvious stand-in for Scientology. I wonder if the show (or any other show that does the same thing) gets pushback from the Scientology crew.