MovieChat Forums > Cracker (1993) Discussion > Episode with Samantha Morton

Episode with Samantha Morton

What did Fitz mean at the end (******SPOILER*****)

when he said, "We need a miracle". Everybody involved in the death of Samantha's character made a statement to that fact. Fitz said that they would all deny it. ?????? The guy who was married to the brunette seemed very repentant, and I doubt that he would deny anything. It was a powerful episode.

Fitz is amazing. The series is amazing. I've never seen anything quite like it.


He clearly said that although that guy would give a statement, the women would back the preacher.

Are you watching on OnDemand too? :)


Yep, Fitz figured it would boil down to the word of the brother against the word of the other three.

Perhaps they could search the reverend's house and find evidence that the girl had been there. Perhaps find the drugs which were given to her. They could certainly prove the reverend was the father of her unborn child via DNA testing. They could also have an expert testify to the meaning of the drawings on her body, which is circumstantially related to the reverend by the Stephen Hawking book in his library. (Ok, that's a tenuous connection.) The police could make a circumstantial case, but it would be tough to prove.

