Frighteningly realistic, but nowhere near like real situations. Brilliant dramatic portrayals and writing but spiritually, morally and ethically very dangerous because some are likely to be influenced towards violence by viewing.
To quote Pete Townsend, "If the *beep* sees something violent on TV and then goes out and does violent acts, he was a *beep* and he was going to do it anyway."
Or, to put it another way: what exactly is your point here? Preachers are now going to start slchepping Samantha Morton and then attempting to kill her by poisoning her, writing words all over her, locking her in a box and trying to shred her?
My point is that it makes violence look acceptable particularly the violence within the so called forces of Authority whereas although what happens seems realistic it is far from so.
The possibility of such events all happening in anywhere near the proximity to one another as scripted is extremely unlikely. Obviously to most folks but perhaps not so to the suggestible.
I don't propose to get into a heavy debate and realise that someone who takes a different view is unlikely to be influenced by my opinion.
Tolkny; regardless of that fact that you couldn't influence pocky404 with your opinion - your opinion has been proved unrealistic by the fact that the murder plot in this episode HASN'T been replicated by any copycat killers since the episode aired.
I do not remember the detail now. I am glad if there have been no similar murders since then, there have been more than enough murders of any description - I regret, some that have been particularly distressing where numbers of children have died.