MovieChat Forums > As Time Goes By (1992) Discussion > The clothes vs. Relationship??

The clothes vs. Relationship??

Is it just me or are most of Jean & Lionel's clothing in a shade of beige or taupe? Maybe it's a way to focus on the relationship and not the wardrobe? I noticed a couple times where Jean went to change to go to the police station for the identity parade but came down in the same shirt. Sandy opens a gift from Alaister which is a sweater she makes a fuss over because of the label, but it didn't seem much different than the one she had on. To be fair, Sandy and Judith did have their moments in vivid or brighter colors. I love it no matter what!


Lionel wears a lot of variations of green. He has a forest green button-up shirt, a sea-green jacket, and the greenish/clay-colored parka to name a few. I'm currently watching series six and he's got on a dark blue button-up shirt. During seasons 7-9 he is often seen in that white grid-patterned shirt. Heck, he even has a nice pink dress shirt!

Jean's casual wardrobe is typical of the era, especially the 1980s, when women dressed to cover everything with drapey fabrics. Jean often wears those long blouses that go well past her rather large bum; she must be self conscious of it but I think she's lovely no matter what.

Jean's wardrobe improves greatly when she's out on the town, at work, or in the country. She gets away from the beige colors then, thankfully.

As for Judy and Sandy, I swear that they have both worn that bright green fleece-loking top numerous times!


You're right! Thanks! Forgot about Lionel's variations of green and brown. Also with Sandy & Judith's fleece. I know Moira (Judith) had to wear clothes to hide the 2 pregnancies she had during the run of the series.


Something else about those fashions: it would seem that the indulgent 1980s clothing styles reached far into the 1990s, with some exceptions. Alastair's wardrobe began as the prototypical yuppie attire with unappealing colors and baggy suits. Thankfully his clothes improved almost immediately by series two.

Sandy wore extremely short skirts--at the office! This was an early '90s trend, I believe.


A local channel runs two episodes every weekend and I just started the second and wound up here while listening. In the first episode tonight, I noticed Jean was in an ecru turtleneck and Lionel was in an ecru and brown windowpane button-down and a brown tie. I read your post thinking, yeah, that's pretty typical, and I glanced up and Lionel's in the exact same shirt and tie in this episode, too. And now here's the scene with Sandy and the ecru gift sweater, LOL. Both Judy and Jean are in white shirts with earthy brown cardigans.

I'm not sure about other characters, but when I noticed Lionel's shirt and tie earlier (not super typical at the time), I wondered if he's likely to hold onto and take good care of older clothes. That shirt kind of screams 1980 to me. I remember as a kid in the late '70s/early '80s, hating that everything seemed to be brown, beige, and ecru. By '82/'83 when things started to brighten up, I was so relieved! LOL

For what it's worth, everyone is in a dark loden green now in the following scene, which is more serious. I suspect you're correct ? these choices may be meant to make the wardrobe recede into the background and not distract from the stories.

In Mississippi Burning, the sets, wardrobe, and props, had been stained slightly in a dirty wash to aid focusing on the story and actors. It's a pretty clever device.
