MovieChat Forums > Animaniacs (1993) Discussion > Looking for a Wakko clip i cant seem to ...

Looking for a Wakko clip i cant seem to find on DVD.

I own all 4 dvd of the series. I am watching the final disk now and i dont see when Wakko did his make a G O O K I E video i loved that. Its not on youtube and i really like it when Wakko sang that song. Did I miss something could use the help. Thanks

"To make a long story short. Too Late."
Dawn Elicia
Love Elijah Wood & Karl Urban


What song? The one at 5:30 of this video?

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


First i want to say I love you. Thanks that is what i am looking for. Its in VOlume 3 problem is that i miss placed all the disk. I need to go through all my dvd's. But i remember when it was on TV they made a video of Wakko doing bits and playing that song.

"To make a long story short. Too Late."
Dawn Elicia
Love Elijah Wood & Karl Urban
