Don Knotts and Wakko

What was Wakko's obsession with Don Knotts? It seemed like every other episode, he would mention him, more often than not in passing, but it got to the point of being a little obsessive.


He didn't mention him THAT often... anyway, he was just his favorite actor, just like Dot's was Mel Gibson and Yakko's was Michelle Pfeiffer.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


I mention Don Knotts on a daily basis, as do all my friends that I respect and admire!


I counted only 4 times Wakko mentioning Don.

Dot mentions him but not by name. In a Wheel of Morality segment
she asks..."Towatch The Incredible Mr. Limpet?" (1960s Don knotts film).

Go for it or just be a gopher!
(MR.) happipuppi13 šŸ• *arf,man!*
