MovieChat Forums > Animaniacs (1993) Discussion > The age difference between Katie Kaboom ...

The age difference between Katie Kaboom and her brother

How many years between them?


Hmm...I would say Katie was probably about 15 or 16 and her brother looked about 10. Good question.


Thank you


In one of the shows I just watched, the oys mother tells him
at breakfast to get ready for 'kindergarten'. ๎€˜ huh?! ๎—

Is the Dad supposed to be a take-off on actor Jimmy (James) Stewart?

If so ,brilliant choice. ๎†

Go for it or just be a gopher!
(MR.) happipuppi13 ๐Ÿ• *arf,man!*


Yes, the father is Rob Paulsen doing his Jimmy Stewart impression.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.
