Favorite Cartoon?

Mine's Goodfeathers.


Rita and Runt is and always has been my favorite besides Minerva Mink who only had 2 cartoons anyway.


1. The Warners (All but 2 of their cartoons. This including musical moments.)

2. Pinky & The Brain

3. Slappy & Skippy

4. Mindy & Buttons

5. Rita & Runt

6. GoodFeathers

7. 'The Flame' historical cartoons

8. Chicken Boo - I like the absurdity that people can't tell 'til he's unmasked.

9. 'Colin' who talks about Randy Beaman. (Colin supplied by Wikipedia.

10. Good Idea / Bad Idea

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11. Minerva - Like someone said ,there's only 2 outings. ( Too 'hot' WB? )

12. (Tie) Baynarts "Charlton" Woodchucks & The Baby Bluebird AKA Birdie

13. Hip Hippos - I think I just don't get it.

14. Mime Time - (I like mimes ,I think it's a bit mean.)

15. Katie Ka-Boom (The joke wears thin after 3rd or 4th time.)

Go for it or just be a gopher!
(MR.) happipuppi13 šŸ• *arf,man!*


Slappy, then the Warners, then Pinky and the Brain.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.
