MovieChat Forums > Animaniacs (1993) Discussion > Please Please Please Get a Life Foundati...

Please Please Please Get a Life Foundation

I must say that the Please Please Please Get a Life Foundation is my favorite segment ever. It is extremely hilarious. It still holds true to this day! It's really like that with the Sonic fan base. I honestly do not remember watching the segment as a kid or I did not understand it. I came across the segment in the comment section on some article that criticized the Sonic fan base.

It's a really brilliant segment. I really find the first geek (the morbidly obese one with the red WB shirt that doesn't fit him) to be highly hilarious. I like Baloney's appearance in the segment.

Wanna watch it?

Wanna see what was in the opening shot, dialog and more?

Cynicalik means Cynical Intelligent Kid. I'm literally not a kid. Is the Kid From Brooklyn a kid?


Eh, Freakazoid did it better.


Please show me a link of this. Thanx!

Cynicalik means Cynical Intelligent Kid. I'm literally not a kid. Is the Kid From Brooklyn a kid?


I agree. I was really looking forward to seeing this sketch, but it was just a big letdown.

Now Freakazoid? THAT's funny!


The fat guy - comic book guy from the Simpsons, with glasses


You have to admit ,with the world-wide internet as young as
it was then (2 years) ,that segment was not only timely but brilliant!

Ep. aired September 23rd,1995 and the WWnet started in 1993.

From Wikipedia :

By January 1993 there were fifty Web servers
across the world; by October 1993 there were over five hundred. (22 years!)

Happi :
(World Wide Web : Formerly known as The Information Super-Highway. )

Go for it or just be a gopher!
(MR.) happipuppi13 šŸ• *arf,man!*


I was thinking the same thing.


Just watched it again. Wow, that's hilarious.


I liked how some of them, after taking a MALLET TO THE HEAD, kept on talking.

This skit, which was wildly ahead of its time, dealt with the really --really--hardcore part of the Internet (in my opinion): USENET

Or Newgroups

I think Google has it now.

and so many others...

The other, the only other, skit that makes me think about this one is a legendary SNL sketch---also wildly ahead of its time---about the Internet too. This was the era of Gateway 2000 when a man online is chatting with a woman and then a drunken, naked (Christopher Elliot) is chatting with him constantly asking what he's wearing and then enticing him to touch himself. This was ahead of its time in my opinion anyway
