MovieChat Forums > Animaniacs (1993) Discussion > Was Animaniacs geared for kids or Gen Xe...

Was Animaniacs geared for kids or Gen Xers?

I was in college when this show was in its first run and it was wildly popular among the hipsters, because it was like, "Looney Toones" updated for the 90's. When reruns began appearing on Hub, my son didn't get anything but the silly sight gags. And I couldn't imagine anyone without knowledge of the original WB cartoons of the 1930's and 40's getting much out of the show.


For cool people.


I think it was just the brilliance of the early 90s...not all cartoons were dumbed down for kids...

"This scar is a fleck on my porcelain skin, tried to reach deep but you couldn't get in..."


I would say both. However, it was for all generations to enjoy.

Cynicalik means Cynical Intelligent Kid. I'm literally not a kid. Is the Kid From Brooklyn a kid?


This show was for kids and adults. Literally anyone could love it if they understood it.


Like certain board games...Animaniacs :
For ages 8 and up (8 to 12 depending on what's in the cartoon.)

Great humor for the adults as well as the kids ,without going too far.

Go for it or just be a gopher!
(MR.) happipuppi13 🐕 *arf,man!*


While there's still enough standard cartoon elements for the kids, there's a lot of subtle jokes cinemeatic refrences for the adults/parents (Apocalypse Now, Jerry Lewis, Goodfellas) that preteens wouldn't recognize.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


As a child in the 90s I never really understood many of the Pop Culture references. I doubt Generation Z kids today would even enjoy this show. I think this show doesn't date well and was definitely created for the nostalgia of Gen Xers.

All you need is love!

Come follow me:


It was a show for both demographics.


I wonder if young people who don't get the references, go and Google them?

