he seemed really sorry

when Billy loses the money in that second time he and Sydney meet each other Sydney is saying "Billy I'm sorry" to him as he's walking off. To me it seemed like he really meant it. But then later we find as Billy and Gloria go to get the money back that he was hustled.
Damn it, I don't think I have a point here. But I did have an observation!


I agree. Sydney genuinely sorry after the hustle. Not sure what made him act so unremorseful when Billy & Gloria show up to his apt.


Billy hstled Sidney because he was a better basketball player when both were playing as hard as they could against each other...nothng dishonest about that. But Sidney STOLE money from Billy by not playing as hard as he could when they were supposed to be teammates. He threw the game and split Billy's money with the players on the other team...just like some players and referees have done in college games. Totally dishonest. Billy was a hustler but honest...Sidney was just a crook who was mad because a white guy proved he was a better player than him and got even the only way he could.


then why did he look genually sorry as Billy was walking off? Am I overanalyzing this?


Maybe he wanted to put up a front later when Billy came by because the rest of the guys were there?


Sidney was genuinely sorry but put up a front in front of his boys. LOL at a honest hustler, that's an oxymoron. Hustlers know the outcome of the hustles as Billy did.


Sidney was genuinely sorry but put up a front in front of his boys. LOL at a honest hustler, that's an oxymoron. Hustlers know the outcome of the hustles as Billy did.

I think you're right.

"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


I totally agree. He was actually sorry, but in front of his boys he couldn't let it show.


Because he only hustled Billy to get the extra money needed for the house sydney's wife wanted. If that need hadn't come up, I don't think Syd would have hustled Billy. Syd was sorry he had to do that. I think thats what he WAS genuinely sorry for.

At the house Syd got defensive cause Gloria accused him of stealing the money.

Get outta here ya half-a-sissy 'for I give ya a slap.


Well I think it was a combination of two things.. one was that he actually started to like him, and the second was that he probably was thinking he could have made alot more money with Billy on his side them against him.


I thought he was sorry about what he did, but by that point he knew he'd gone so far that he may aswell not bother with the friendship and just keep what he's already taken.

If Little Red Riding Hood shows up with a bazooka an a bad attitude I expect you to chin the bitch
